Thursday, June 25, 2009

June 28th Surf Clinic !!!

Hi All,

Just to let ya know were hoping for a fun surf clinic this Sunday at the Newport River Jetty's ! If you want to come see dogs learn to surf, take a spin on your bike or drive down or walk over depending on where you live !!! We will be there around 9am just take a look at this map !!!

Hope to see you all there as we will have a full fun day at the beach!

And may the 3 Celebs that past this week R.I.P. !


Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Loews Surf Contest in Coronado Rocked !!!

Hi All,

We went down to support our pals ( canine and human ) at the Loews Surf Dog contest in Imperial Beach CA, and man was it a blast ( a bit cold and so so waves) and the crowd was great the volunteers from Loews were super, the media was having a barking time and of course the surfing dogs all had a blast !!!

These are some links to picts, our close friends are Nani the Bernese with the O so great lifejacket, Abbie the black & Tan that got 2nd in our evnet, Buddy the Jack that place 1st in 40 and under, Dozer our bulldog that isn't afraid of the water, even Elvis left the building to catch some waves ! Everyone remember the key to any event, it's not who wins, it's how much fun we all had together as a team !!!

SD Tribune

The Today Show

Great shots for the AFP

Were looking forward to having our event July 11th along with the Red Carpet Party so talk us up, spread the word and lets get ready to have a dog surfing time in HB to benefit the OCSPCA !!!!

CowaCanine !!!

Monday, June 15, 2009

Dog/Cat CPR

Hi All !

So this coming Sat were off to the Loews Dog Surf contest in Coronado just south/west of San Diego downtown so if you want something fun to do come on down, June 20th to cheer all the pups on !!!

Now I'd like to let everyone know that learning CPR for your pet is So very important ! We have a great resource to use from a gal named Melanie Monteiro on page 122 of her book this is covered, she has kindly donated some of her books for our event. I also found a simple sheet you can print that covers CPR here !

Make sure you take the time to at least read and print this as you never know when it might come in handy I'm taking a CPR class for animals soon, as I travel alot and now having 3 dogs out running it's a good idea for me to have it just in case. I hate to say but when we held a clinic we saw a couple that brought two dogs to the beach and the one was 60lbs+ but the other was about 10lbs ( Yorky) if that and they let the lil guy swim and swim and he went into cardiac arrest and our pal TJ ( and the lifeguard) tried to save him, the parents made way to many mistakes that could have maybe helped save his life he was just 7yrs.

In any event BE educated and ready for anything, I say at least keep the cpr sheet laminated and in your car or back pack and make sure you know of a 24hr emergency care ( pet, NOT human, human hospital will Help Zero) close to your area, one thing I have always done when I travel is pay attention to the vets or clinics that I pass along the way just in case( I see so many people that have not the faintest clue when they pull into a new town) you will need one or might be able to help someone else in need !

Monday, June 8, 2009

1st Surf Clinic Rocked ! Dogs surfing rocks !!!

Hey All,

Just a quick note to Thank Crystal for showing up and helping out, also the gals from the OCSPCA popped in to see what was up! Also thanx to the people that showed up, we had Kia jump writ up for basicly lesson 2 that's gettin you pooch to want to jump on the board willingly ! then I pulled her for the dogs to see. Then we had Maggie step up and jump on 1st time, then her brother, then even Golie our sweet Boxer that Trisha drove down from LB ! Also our Pal TJ showed up and we had Crystal paddle with her two min pins, now keep in mind we were in 2ft of water and it was dead calm why we had not put vests on the dogs yet as it was one on one. But keep in mind we always promote using vests and we had them but since it was so shallow it was easier to have them just take turns. now all lessons from here on out will Require vests as we will graduate to the open ocean and that for sure will warrant vests !!!

I have posted the picts at this link so that you all can add to them if you have surfing dog picts ! It's an open group so you can post picks from your training, yard, lake, beach or anything that apply's to teaching a dog to surf !

Thanks again to all ( including Crystal's pal Katharine), and also to and for donating a board ea to our loaner program !

Woof Woof,

Surfin Paws

Friday, June 5, 2009

Introducing our Newest member of the team !

OCSPCA and SurfinPaws would like to welcome Crystal to our team !!

"Aloha! My name is Crystal. I was born and raised in Southern CA, where Ive always lived less than 10 minutes to the beach. After high school I volunteered at a local animal hospital and ever since I've loved working with animals. I'm currently working in Newport Beach as a veterinary technician and also attending a veterinary assistant program to obtain my RVT license. Since my work is so close to the beach, I can't help but check out the surf after a long days work. I've been surfing for 5 years, and will be for the rest of my life. My dog Flash, a dachshund also shares the same love for the water. Its always a blast riding waves with him. Well, we'll see you in the water!

Crystal Romero"

Crystal will be assisting in surf lessons the month of June getting dog/humans ready for the big event !!!

Our first water lesson will happen June 7th at 1pm at the Newport River Jetty's if you all don't know about twitter you had better sign up! We will be using that to keep updates going and such ours is Now keep in mind we will have some loaner foam boards for this clinic just make sure you have at least worked on lesson #1 prior as it will make things much better.. now keep in mind we spoke with Tyson the skateboarding bulldog and he's going to give surfing a shot, so our Crystal and Rene will get to help Tyson roll into a new sport !!! Ok back to the lesson, were gonna be there for a couple hrs maybe longer if it's a super nice day as we luv to chill at that nice spot !

any questions can be sent to or just check our site for Red Carpet or contest info. Keep in mind these are free lessons if your signed up to surf in our contest !!!
